JITI INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is a group of institute, which is registered Under the Govt. of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, CIN No. - U74999JH2016OPC009376, This venture is urgently require for several reasons. Initially, the vast establishments of Industry Situated in Singhbhum district, (Jharkhand)
The institute aim to provide the excellent contribution which is missing in the way of undergraduate students those actually looking for excellent performance over globe. JITI INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED goal to help each highest potential students
We believe to high technical qualification for each and generating the entry level employment with owns their identification. JITI INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL (OPC)PRIVATE LIMITED is responsible for each staff members and the students to cover the safety during work even beyond the work.
JITI INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL (OPC)PRIVATE LIMITED is responsible for each staff members and the students to cover the safety during work even beyond the work.
The institute aim to provide the excellent contribution which is missing in the way of undergraduate students those actually looking for excellent performance over globe. JITI INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED goal to help each highest potential students, thus we are pulling on a platform to perform them better. We believe to high technical qualification for each and generating the entry level employment with owns their identification. JITI INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is responsible for each staff members and the students to cover the safety during work even beyond the work.